, pub-2329785156441129, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
With our special modified real authentic silent Airtag you can now keep it in your belongings such as car, bike, purse or child's backpack and track the whereabouts silently so in case your belongings do get stolen the bad guys will never know you are tracking them making it easier and faster for you to find your belongings. If your car or purse is stolen with a regular non-modified Airtag, it makes a loud ringing noise when you open and track your normal sounding Airtag in your "Find My" app on your iOS device, notifying the bad guys they are being tracked. Once the bad guys are aware they are being tracked they are likely to take all valuables and dump or hide the stolen item and leave. In some cases the criminal will locate the Airtag and dump it while they continue on to their destination with your valuables making the use of a tracking device pointless. It is incredibly hard to recover any items and catch the criminal in the act that way. That is why it is critical to track your items with a modified silent ghost Airtag. With our silent Airtag you can open your "Find My" App on your iOS device and track down the Silent Airtag in real time without the criminal even knowing they are being followed by you. Makes it easier to get your items back in original form! If you notify the police you will have a location as well to apprehend the criminal, catching them in real time. Even if the criminal suspects they stole an item with an Airtag in the property, they cannot force a noise to play and locate the AirTag to dispose of.